✨ Some basic manners and life lesson we could get from #RunOn ✨
Well, now... Shall we start...?
✨Don't invade other people's personal privacy (even your closest ones)✨
In #RunOnEp3, Ki Eunbi overheard Oh Mijoo who was looking for her dad in the hotel lobby and asked her why Mijoo had his belonging. But, she didn't ask further since it's Mijoo and her dad's business. Tho it's her dad's-
(practically her own family), she chose to not meddling in. Setting clear boundaries between individuals is one of the characteristic of healthy relationship 😉 Ah.. despite growing up in a dysfunctional family, Ki siblings are indeed having great personality!
Sometimes we (even me myself) are just so prone to compliment others by comparing instead of simply complimenting. In #RunOnEp5 where Yechan and her mom greeted her mom's acquaintances, tho the aunties were giving her complimentary, she was taking it awkwardly-
(bcs it was sounded more like appraisals than compliments). Obviously, Yechan would prefers to accept Yook Jiwoo's simple pleasantry than the aunties' one. Y'know.. compliment by comparing is also an invasion of privacy (and just indirectly rude) 🙃
Now, now... isn't this one of the most common invasion of privacy question? In #RunOnEp5 where Mijoo gathered with her college friends and the one who was getting married asked her why Mijoo doesn't get married then even brought up Mijoo's very personal story-
(her parents, her being in foster care & all) but thank God our gal Mijoo didn't hold back and choose to get going before it get heated up.. Oh wow, that friend was just straightly rude! Such reversal to her name, she's no princess at all 😅 (the friend's name was Yoon Gongju). -
Just bcs people doesn't do the same thing as you, or maybe bcs you're doing it before others, doesn't mean you could carelessly think you're better than them.
✨Asking first before giving favor✨
An act that we rarely realized that it could be a problem is giving something to children without consent of their parent/guardian's first. I don't think it ever properly explored in any drama (but i might be wrong tho!). Mostly, the drama would focus on portraying the kindness-
trait of the characters. But in #RunOn, Ki Seongyeom was asking permission from the mother first before really giving the snack to the girl. Before doing a favor/giving something to a child, you gotta think about the child's condition; like consider their parents' parenting-
style or what if it would affected the child's health.. Tho I'm sure lots of us already pointed out how thoughtful and considerate Seongyeom is, but i think this one particular scene was really amazing✨
✨No matter if you're rich or poor, all in the same position; both need each other✨
It is often seen in dramas (might also happened in reality) that those who are not having much (aka poor 🙁) would got help/resource from people around them. But especially in dramas, those characters often used as a supporting feature to portray the generosity of the-
well-off/wealthy main characters. But #RunOn avoids such perspective. In #RunOnEp9, Seongyeom and Wooshik did the cleaning work together. And in the next eps, Wooshik said he'd wired the wage to Seongyeom.
Instead of making the "in-need" characters as mere tool for the main character's narrative persuasion, #RunOn chose to make the main and supporting characters growing, supporting each other and just properly interacting in equal position 👏
✨Let's not intruding/sharing one's personal information without permission✨
Finding out location and schedule of your partner (or even anybody) without permission or suddenly appeared in front of them unannounced is considered as bad manners. Especially in dramas, often we see a person just appear so suddenly. But irl, don't you think it's uncomfortable?
There are times when it's easily passed by since it's just a drama, but at #RunOn, they made it clear that you shouldn't do that. They also pointed out that even if you know both people, you shouldn't giving out one’s phone number carelessly without the person's consent.
In #RunOnEp14, Yeonghwa was fascinated bcs Taewoong (who happened to follow Yeonghwa’s SNS) could know everything just by looking at the pic he posted. It showed us what kind of danger it poses by taking pictures of others and posting them on social media.
Location, time, and related information can be exposed immediately. In the end, Yeonghwa quickly deleted the picture and reflect on himself for being so thoughtless 😂
I know #RunOn is just a kdrama, a fiction. And there are a lot of great kdramas out there. But with its fresh, realistic and relatable story, I'm quite sure this one could stays in the viewers' memory for a long time, might even be some people's best pick/all time favorite ☺️
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