He blinked ~173,633,355,789 times, repeated coded talking points and valiantly kept the trying-not-to-be-bland smile on his face, but he's an empty milk carton.

No substantiative criticism, just pablum that boils down to "get them back to the mines - the coal must flow." https://twitter.com/CTVNews/status/1356687683620392960
His points boil down to the premiers failings, he looked like he might have peed his pants a little when asked if he thought Australia's approach was worth considering and circled back to rapid tests ... which the federal government supplied and most of the premiers shelved.
The funny part here is the the federal government, objectively, did a pretty good job on things (didn't say perfect) and then the premiers, mostly the conservative ones, shit the bed in horrifying, unforgivable ways and are the reason OToole can't gain traction. Tee hee.
Their press familiars are left trying to build glass houses out of plastic blocks.

These people, bereft of ideas that don't include going backwards, stuck on disproven economic tropes, their party full of more fringe than a Tiffany lamp, can't be in charge of our future.
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