My favourite species of birds are the ones named by people who clearly hate birds. (thread)
Sick of their shit
*Sean Bean voice*
Why even go into this line of work?
Excuse me?
. @rspb This is bullying
I believe psychologists call this projection
Um, they prefer the term “goth”
*Geoffrey Boycott voice*
Are ornithologists ok?
Did I make this one up? You're not sure are you?
Men will literally name all the birds instead of going to therapy
More like HORNIthologists
Refuse to believe these are real
god i'm so bored
Imagine being this bird. Imagine finding out this is what you were called. Are you kidding me? Unbelievable.
Ornithologists, who hurt you?
If you hate *birdsong* maybe find a different hobby idk
People keep sending me this but there's nothing in the picture? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
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