THREAD: So @UKLabour think they can win back the red wall by "use of the union flag, veterans & dressing smartly?" Here's why this is ludicrous fantasy

1. You don't "use" the union flag & especially veterans. You believe in them, from the patriotic heart. Anything else is lies
2. How can Keir Starmer pretend to love the Union flag, when he knelt to BLM, who set fire to it at the Cenotaph? No way will patriots swallow this co-opting of the flag for votes

3. Labour MPs are secretly or even openly ashamed of our flag & history, esp Corbynistas
4. Labour want to win back working class voters? First, believe in Brexit. Except Starmer led Labour's #PeoplesVote movement to cancel Brexit & most Labour MPs are ardent Remainers, so there goes that one
5. Labour are so soaked in identity politics, their top brass believe the white working classes are "privileged" - even though WWC boys are the least likely to go to Uni & perform worst at school. Instead, they are fixated with minority projects, so get minority numbers of votes
6. Trans issues: huge majority of British people are not "transphobic" & want people to live happily. But they don't want trans women in women's toilets, jails, changing rooms or sports. That is a majority position. Crying "transphobe" doesn't help: it repels moderate voters
7. Palestine. A fringe foreign affairs issue that is totemic of Labour's woes. Makes most think Labour are anti-Semitic, which they've been proven to be. Labour like to call their opponents racist, but they are the only Party to have been investigated for racism by the @EHRC
8. Working class roots. How many Labour MPs can say they come from working class communities? They feel like graduates spat out of a machine

9. Owen Jones. He actively helps Tories to win seats when he campaigns for Labour. Might be worth a rethink?
10. Sadiq Khan, David Lammy, Dawn Butler etc: when they make everything about race, or paint Britain as intolerant/unwelcoming, they basically accuse all white people of being racist. They can deny this all they like, but that's how it pans out on doorsteps
11. Supporting open borders. Even suggesting this is insanity. The past five national elections shows this. It totally ignores ordinary, working class voters who struggle to get low-paid work, school places, doctor's appointments, etc. Again, ignore it, but it's how voters feel
12. Be a party of Opposition! Demanding more lockdowns, sooner, harder, longer - more of the same - isn't a point of difference. What does Labour stand for? Nobody knows ATM. Get off the bloody fence! We currently do not have a functioning Opposition
13. I could go on... but even if Labour adopted all of the above – which they won't in a trillion years – they would lose most of the students, public sector workers, middle class professionals, Guardianists & BAMEs who vote for them now. CONCLUSION: Labour is screwed ATM
BTW I say all of this with a sense of sadness. I was born into Labour, voted Labour for decades, when it was a "proper" party, not a superannuated, minority interests grievance workshop. They've totally lost their way, perhaps terminally. It's time for real change! A new party
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