Man this is such a colossal fuck up though, like, wow. I guess the assumption is Draghi could reform the coalition that Conte had (PD-M5S-LeU-IV) which might happen but...(1/9)
Italia Viva (IV) wants this the most as a party but there is like no evidence that IV is anyway viable with the public. There's 4 centrist parties appearing in polls (IV/C!/+E/A)and none of them are above 3%(2/9)
LeU is already not appearing in polls, the participation in this government seems to have wiped out their left-wing cred with the more left LeU member parties SI and PRC forming a new party La Sinistra (LS). They're polling 4% and if they're smart they'll stay away from this(3/9)
M5S started as populist backlash to austerity and the new(ish) T.I.N.A. attitude of PD. To support Draghi would possibly further accelerate their decline. If they're smart they'd stay away, they're not though.(4/9)
PD fucking failed to meet the anti-austerity moment that led to the rise of M5S, La Lega and FdI, they've managed to hold at ~20% in polls but the decline is there, slow but there.(5/9)
PD's betrayal of their supposed left ideals will be further damaged by supporting the face of EU austerity, I expect them to make noise but eventually fall in line (6/9)
Draghi could try appeal to those centrists I mentioned earlier but their numbers in the chamber/senate are negligible. Maybe he could appeal to Forza Italia (FI, Berlusconi's centre-right) but they seem happy to ride the FdI wave(7/9)
Speaking of FdI (the respectable mussolini party), they're now firmly the 3rd largest party in polls and still ascending, their allies, La Lega and FI are doing well enough as well. They've also been the most vocal against Draghi as PM. (8/9)
So in short, any feasible party either will destroy their support by working with Draghi or won't to avoid destroying themselves, ultimately paving the way for a far right coalition next election.

All because of Renzi's fucking ego (9/9)
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