Car infrastructure masquerading as pedestrian infrastructure: a thread.
Pedestrian crossings

Anything that controls when and where someone can cross a road is for the benefit of cars, not pedestrians.
Beg buttons

Anything that controls when and where someone can cross a road is for the benefit of cars, not pedestrians.
Pedestrian overpasses

Anything that controls when and where someone can cross a road is for the benefit of cars, not pedestrians.
Pedestrian tunnels

Anything that controls when and where someone can cross a road is for the benefit of cars, not pedestrians.
Refuge islands

Any road that isn't able to be crossed immediately and completely by someone walking slowly isn't pedestrian friendly
Next time you see a piece of "pedestrian infrastructure" ask yourself if this was made for your convenience or the convenience of the drivers around you.
If you have to pause in your journey, alter your route, or be vigilent for traffic to make sure you aren't killed or injured -- it's probably not for you.
If it helps drivers keep moving most of the time, or reduces the attention they have to pay to the other road users sharing the streets with them -- then it's car infrastructure.
A truly pedestrian friendly space doesn't need crossings, or even line markings. Pedestrians, cyclists and cars can move around each other slowly -- in safety. As long as they're accessible to all, they're successful.
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