1/8🤣My Pillow Guy on NewsMax🤣
- Did you all see this video clip? Highest of High Comedy.
- And we have Added Comedy! Kyle Rittenhouse's Fundraiser, John M. Pierce, ex-lawyer for Giuliani, is demanding answers, it's almost as funny. Almost. . .(see 2/2)
So, the fundraiser, whose law firm was hired by Giuliani, Tulsi Gabbard, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, yet won 1 trial in 4 years for $500K & ran up a $70M debt to lenders & was sued over 10 times, yeah, that guy, John "Bam Bam" Pierce, he's *demanding* answers.🤣😂🤣
While we're asking questions. Another recent Pierce tweet claims US cities "burned to the ground last summer." Can Pierce name one? The short related article includes in on honesty, integrity, Pierce & his ex-side kick David Hecht (Hecht Partners) https://donlewis-2215.medium.com/dishonesty-the-pierce-bainbridge-way-82f6645b3f
Let's not forget this "Patriot", John Pierce, the Notre Dame and Harvard Law grad, in massive debt, is hawking Rittenhouse bikinis & yoga pants, perhaps exploiting KR, and making defamation arguments as can be *heard* in this clip...more comedy😂🤣
More questions...
Pierce quitting a case in NY 1-day after his finances raised to the court
Pierce quitting the Rittenhouse crim defense mere hours after his finances raised to the court. https://www.keepandshare.com/doc25/110740/rittenhouse-pro-hac-vice-motion-pdf-245k?da=y
And this👇see pic..so many questions..
Yes, so many questions, yet fundraiser John Pierce is demanding answers. For the more visually inclined, the thread ends with a 2-minute video. Have a look at the self-appointed 🤣"Elite"😂 lawyer

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