Hello and welcome to a thread I like to call, James' Opinions on Engineering Intern Applications.

Throughout I'll be giving you my thoughts on the intern applications I've seen in recent times. Some I've liked. Some I've disliked. So without further delay…
1. Nothing is an instant pass or fail.

It's important to stress this. Applications are about building a case as to why you should be considered. The more you can highlight your talents the greater your chances of getting through.
2. Don't compare yourself to others.

This advice may make you think you're missing aspects. Don't be harsh on yourself. Be the best version of you that you can be. Only compare yourself to you of last week/month/year and not others. If you've grown then that's all you can ask.
3. Use the covering letter.

This is your first opportunity to show what you're about. CVs are for what you've done or achieved but the cover letter is to let your personality and character shine through. Show us who you are.
4. Show heart.

The best covering letters I've read have put the candidate through to interview even if paired with a modest CV. If you resonate with the reviewer or studio's values that goes a long way. You can teach skills, but spirit is unique.
5. Why Rare?

Tell us why you want to make games and especially why you want to make games at Rare. If you don't have a story, fine, but don't be afraid to let your enthusiasm shine through. Be honest, though. I don't want our wiki entry regurgitated at me.

Applications are time consuming but if you use generic cover letters then think how that paints you in our eyes? There's no attention to detail. Not passion to work with us specifically. Do you care about us at all?
7. Generic Cover Letter > No Cover Letter

That said, I'll take a cover letter with competent find and replace skills for the company's name over no cover letter. Just make the rest of the text count. You may not have mentioned us but be sure to mention you and why you're great.
8. James is scared.

James' opinion on people writing in the third-person is that it's odd. James doesn't know why this is thought to be good practise but James finds it weird. Are you writing it or is your mum speaking for you?
9. Diverse interests strengthens a team.

A code heavy CV can be impressive but what else can you bring? My CV got noticed because I took Art A-level, others have worked with local charities, ran Etsy stores, sewn cosplay costumes, worked in our community, even for playing MtG.
10. Don't rate your skill: Part 1.

I see this frequently but what are you comparing yourself to? Uni mates? Or industry standards? Chances are our criteria will be different to yours. Instead tell us about the length of time you've learnt a skill or your experiences with it.
11. Don't rate your skill: Part 2.

Especially don't rate your skill using graphs. I've seen someone trumpet their language knowledge with a pie chart. How does that work? If you get better in C++ your C# portion decreases. Keep it simple or risk misinterpretation.
12. C++ is not essential.

When I started I did not know C++ or C# and I'm not alone. I had been taught java and got up to speed on the job. Do not rule yourself out if you don't know that language specifically, you can still be in for selection.
13. What have you made?

Doesn't matter if it's uni or personal projects, what have you programmed? Tell us what you have done so we can gauge interests and skills. Even better, show us.
14. Have you considered a portfolio?

Rather than cram it all on a CV, create a website, YouTube channel, Tumblr on you work. You'll have more space to add descriptions and potentially go in-depth about challenges or items you're really proud of.
15. Throw in screenshots.

It's not vital, but even text projects produce an output to be snipped. They add flavour and a visual outline of your portfolio sticks in the mind longer than another generic GitHub frontpage.
16. Be clear with what you made.

I kid you not, one application proudly stated that in "Project 1" they got "86%". Bravo. But I have no idea if that was focusing on Advanced Game Engine Physics or Synchronised Swimming for Beginners.
17. Teamwork.

Not only does it make the dream work but it *is* professional game dev. You don't do it alone. If you've worked in a team, tell us along with what you contributions. "What challenges have you faced when working with a team" is also a prime interview question.
18. There is an I in team.

If you show work that was done as part of a group, spell out what you in particular contributed? What areas of code did you work on? Highlight your portions.
19. Mentoring.

This goes down as a lovely complement to teamwork. We've been very interested in folk who have taught code (even if it's Scratch at Code Club) or helped others settle into courses or clubs. It shows compassion and willingness to strengthen those around you.
20. Released projects.

Have you released something on Steam or itch or similar? Putting aside what you've released, the fact you've gone through those pipelines and got your work on a store is incredible. Call it out. Tell us you've tangled with Valve's backend.
21. Pump up the Jam.

I love a good game jam. For me this CV secret sauce: if you can find the time to take part in jams then that makes an application. Team work, deadlines, iteration, doing it for the love of it, all speak highly to me. Consider doing jams.
22. Source control.

This is the lifeblood of sharing code with others in professional studios (and far safer than relying on a USB drive) so if you use Source Control, whatever the flavour, let us know.
23. GitHub.

In a similar vein, if you have a GitHub repository, add a link. A GitHub can show us the flow of your projects, give examples of your work, and an indication of your working practises. It shows us the evolution of your work, which is exciting.
24. How do you use GitHub?

We often saw GitHub with exactly 2 submits: 1.) upload everything 2.) oh yeah, I should add a readme.txt. Repositories tell us as much about your dev habits as your code. Do you understand how GitHub can or should be used?
25. Put links on your CV.

The best way to advertise your LinkedIn and portfolio is by putting the links directly on your CV. Don't rely on the hiring website to sensibly surface links you add in separately. Put them at the top of your CV then they can't get lost.
26. Clickbait.

If you provide links, I will click them. So make sure you want what's on the other end to be seen and appraised accordingly. Dead links will equally be appraised accordingly.
27. Please use spellcheck.

It's widely available in word processing applications and is there to help you. I still have to use it every time I write "malarkey" and, to repeat an oft use theme, it shows that you care and that you have an eye for detail.
28. Accessible applications.

It's not uncommon of us to read dozens of applications. It's mentally draining so please don't use crazy colours, patterns, or a variety of fonts. Either ease off or also include a simplified accessible version. Make your application easy to digest.
29. Why do a cover letter or portfolio?

They let you shine. They let you focus on what makes your application special. The contents of most undergrad CVs will often differ by mere percentage points. A good cover letters or strong portfolio however will elevate you immediately.
30. Exception to the rule.

I said there isn't an instant fail, but if you include content that is racist, fascist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, etc, or are generally shown to be an awful human being, that is an instant fail.
31. Come back stronger.

If you don't get accepted, ask for feedback. Every workplace is different as to if and when they can give feedback but it never hurts to ask. What's more, showing you want to grow is a great trait. Get that feedback and build from it.
32. One last time...

Please consider a good, considered cover letter and portfolio. Those are the difference makers.
So, there you have it. My tuppences laid bare in a lengthy thread.

In summary, sell yourself. Show yourself off. Tell us through cover letter, CV, and portfolio why we would be fools to turn you away. Build that case and good luck.
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