Today we are looking at saltmarsh🌱🌊 Saltmarshes are coastal wetlands that are periodically flooded & drained by the tides from the sea. They are populated by many different species of plants & animals uniquely adapted to living there 💚 #saltmarsh #wetlands #habitatweek
Saltmarsh can appear plain, but look more closely & it's not so much what you see on the surface (although plants like samphire/glasswort & sea purslane are fascinating in how they have adapted to the harsh environment) but what lies beneath in the mud that's really important 🐛
Saltmarsh & the intertidal mud contains an incredibly rich food source of invertebrates for our birds such as curlew, oystercatcher & godwits. They use their long beaks to probe into the mud & retrieve any creatures they find 🦐🐛🐌🐜 #intertidalmud #dinnertime #wadingbirds
When the tide comes back in & covers up the mud, wading birds such as this lapwing need somewhere like the saltmarsh to roost (rest) out of the rising water 🌊 #hightideroost #resting #saltmarsh #lapwing #wadingbirds
In addition to being a home for thousands of birds, the role that #saltmarsh plays in defending our coasts from erosion is becoming increasingly recognised. Saltmarsh also stores more carbon per hectare than many other habitats which could help address climate change 🌍
We have some wonderful saltmarshes around the Solent including Lymington & Keyhaven, East Head, Chichester Harbour, Bunny Meadows near Warsash & Yarmouth, Newtown & Bembridge on the Isle of Wight💚 Where is your favourite? #saltmarsh #solenthabitats #habitatweek #thesolent
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