Getting really frightened by these pushes to criminalise the acknowledgment that biological sex is real, binary, immutable and politically significant.

Its patently obvious that women cannot advocate for the rights of their sex if they can’t acknowledge its existence.
If we can’t acknowledge biological sex, we can’t collect data on sex.
Without accurate sex data, and without the freedom to talk about how sex impacts female people, we can’t address sex inequalities in health, education, workplace, childcare, elderly/sick care, pensions etc.

Without accurate data on sex, and without the freedom to talk about how sex impacts female people, we can’t begin to create effective policies to tackle sexual abuse, rape, domestic abuse and MVAWG.

Without accurate data on sex, and without the freedom to talk about how sex impacts female people, we can’t begin to break down the myriad ways in which female people - from conception to death - are subjugated, exploited and harmed under male supremacy.

Female foetal abortion, female infanticide, FGM, child marriage, rape, trafficking, sexual abuse, abortion, the ‘gender’ (sic) pay gap, the lack of female representation in politics, and in almost every field from education to STEM to sport to media.

We won’t be able to address any of this in a cohesive joined-up way if we can’t acknowledge what links these disparate harms.

The link is biological sex.

Vulva havers, vagina owners, menstruators, people with clitorises, uterus owners, pregnant people, chest feeders, birthing bodies, menopausal people.

What do these people have in common?

They all face discrimination and violence.
And they are all female.

We can’t fight for women if we can’t acknowledge or speak of biological sex.


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