I think people need to take a closer look at this.

Patriotism isn't nationalism, and patriotism can be grounded in positivity and progress underneath a flag.

Over the last 25 years we have allowed UKIP and the BNP to claim the flag as their own.

It was a mistake. https://twitter.com/Otto_English/status/1356738556027416576
This has ceded them power.

So many people see these symbols as part of their identity.

This is why 115k can die, and 20% of the county shrugs it off.

Given the replies many ex-forces, and working class voters would come to the conclusion that the left does hate Britain.
I've had this argument many times over.

These people feel 'othered' by arguments about white privilege, about flags being racist.

The regressive right in this country has capitalised on this, and they will be rubbing their hands with glee at the negative reaction here.
And here is the kicker, without the flag, the right really has nothing to offer.

Brexit, a complete fuck up.

Austerity has been a disaster.

The less said about covid the better.

Take away the flag, the branding, and the Tories are just failed public schoolboys fucking around.
Offer the public better, fly the flag, and let them be part of progress.

Give post industrial communities practical real world help, let them actually progress.

Invest in infrastructure, jobs create jobs.

I'm not saying you have to shag the flag, but maybe take it out to dinner and have a drunken cuddle under some blankets.

Look at it from the outside.

Can you imagine an American presidential candidate not standing in front of a flag.

Do you think they would go on to win?
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