Last month marked my 4th year anniversary of learning Chinese. I wanna share with you 9 reasons why you should learn Bopomofo (注音符號) instead of Pinyin if you are a Mandarin learner.
More complete version here : 
1) You will have a better pronunciation.
Pinyin uses the Latin alphabet, if your mother tongue also uses the Latin alphabet, you will end up reading Pinyin the same way you read your own language. Bopomofo uses its own unique alphabet. Problem solved.
2) You will better understand chinese phonetic.
Chinese syllables are composed of initials, medials, and finals. In Pinyin, it's difficult to distinguish them. On the other hand, each Bopomofo letter is either an initial, a medial, or a final.
3) You will be all set up to master Chinese poetry.
Rhymes in poetry are very important. However, in some cases, it is difficult to distinguish a rhyme with Pinyin, for the same initial/ medial/ final issue mentioned above. That's not the case with Bopomofo.
4) You will discover the ruby characters.
If you study a list of vocabulary with the characters on one side and Pinyin on the other, you will unconsciously focus on the Pinyin, and neglect the characters. Bopomofo is placed right next to the character. Problem solved!
5) You could read entire books, newspapers, and more from the very beginning.
In Taiwan, most children's books come with ruby characters. If you live in Taiwan, you will realize that Bopomofo is also used in a lot of kid friendly places such as the Taipei Zoo, Amusement Parks,...
6) It will make typing chinese on your phone smoother and faster.
The Bopomofo keyboard is extremely logical as letters are ordered by initials, medials, and finals, making typing chinese a lot faster.
7) You could write the pronunciation of all sinitic languages.
Bopomofo has an extended version (注音符號擴展) that adds 32 letters to the original Bopomofo. With that extended Bopomofo you will be able to write down the pronunciation of many other sinitic languages.
8) You won’t be bothered by all the multiple romanization systems in Taiwan.
Many foreigners living in Taiwan complain that the country is inconsistent with their romanization in street names, city names, etc. Stop using Pinyin and that will solve the issue.
9) You could use it as a secret language.
it's phonetic alphabet, thus you could create your secret language by writing down another language using Bopomofo. To illustrate, just read the following Bopomofo sentence. If you can’t … well, that’s your 10th reason to learn Bopomofo.
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