My Visit to the beautiful Fula Falls of the Nile & historical sites in #SouthSudan that I didn’t know existed in Nimule with #IamPeace

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The road to the sites were rough & in accessible with cars, so we had to make a convoy of bodabodas to the falls.
It’s very saddening to see that the state government does not invest on the infrastructure to the falls knowing that this could be a source of revenue and tourism
Our first stop was at the wildlife center where we got to see a few crocodile, hippopotamus & elephants bones.

The site however, need professional archeologists to reconstruct and preserve the bones as they are poorly kept by the rangers
And finally the Fula Falls.
The breeze, the tranquility, the water! Just magical
As much as the roads were rough and I was pricked by thorns several times, this was a beautiful visit that y’all must try out.
We made a few baptisms from the holy Nile waters.
A few got so much inspiration and peace from the atmosphere around 🤗🇸🇸
Our last stop for the day was the commando area. This house was the late Dr John Garang hide out & training center in the 1960s.
Nimule was a safe hold because it never fell in the control of the Arabs.
Apart for the obvious question, ‘how did Dr John Garang have a toilet sit in the 1960s?’
This site would be an amazing tourism attraction if it was preserved and turned into a museum showing the history of the armed struggle in #SouthSudan but the buildings are falling apart
The next day, we made a visit to the Calvary Chapel Cush.
The place was founded by an American Missionary in the 1990s after his visit during the war in Jonglei, #SouthSudan where all he found were bones of dead people scattered around (hence the logo)
The center serves as a church and a training center where military men (no women allowed 🤔) are taught the word of God, mercy & brought to salvation.
They also receive counseling from the traumatic experiences of war.
The church has graduated more than 600 Chaplains #SSOT
The hall had a few pictures of Chaplains that died in the war, but this picture caught my attention most, I call it ‘The Soldier Priest’
The vision of the founder was to bring Christ to the lives of soldiers who committed atrocities and give them healing and purpose.
The church is also in the process of building a school for the children of army men.
The school will run from kindergarten to University and will be non discriminative to the kids.
This is the model of the structure
With all these amazing visits, I still can’t contemplate why tourism is not a sector invested in the this beautiful country.
I learned so much from these experiences, and continue to love my country more and more 🇸🇸
Thank you @lupaisambro

#SSOT #IamPeace #HatefreeSouthSudan
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