Drunken honesty time.

There is no greater force promoting racism these days than the left. Every time someone says anything they view as racist, they won't shut up about it and make sure everyone hears about it over and over. Those who claim to oppose racism actually NEED it.
The right mostly just ignores it or laughs at it, like everyone should. You don't stop racism by screaming and flailing and having a tantrum on tik tok. ACTUAL racists aren't going to be discourage by a flailing idiot. The best way to get rid of them is to ignore them.
But instead of ignoring them and letting them fade into obscurity, the left has decided to shine a big ass spotlight on them. They are the single greatest promoter and advertiser of "racism (tm)". And most of the times, the shit they claim to be racist, is anything but.
There are ACTUAL Klansmen where I live. They have faced their fair share of violence for their beliefs. They're still Klansmen. So this "punch a nazi" shit is nothing more than you wanting to be a violent sociopath. And these intellectually bankrupt fuckers think...
that their readiness to use violence and the intensity of their outrage proves their level of conviction. It does not. It just makes you come off like an edgiboi. And no one likes an edgiboi.
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