Thread: A couple of facts about the situation of women garment workers in #Bangalore since the #COVID19 lockdowns were lifted (heads up: the 'new normal' is truly terrifying) 👇🏾👇🏾
2021 has seen business orders in the garment sector pick up, factories reopened and notices calling for workers at factory gates (like this one pictured here). Factories in Bangalore employ over 400,000 garment workers
Amidst soaring work targets, women workers continue to face discrimination and rights violations every day. Pregnant women haven't been allowed to work, creche facilities closed without alternatives, lunch breaks cut, (from an already measly 30 to 20 minutes), transportation cut.
Pregnant women are forced to lie about their pregnancy to avoid being fired. Those with children have no choice to lock them up unsupervised at home without any alternatives. In an industry where all women workers are between 20-45, this is truly outrageous.
We started a petition on @ChangeOrg_India to demand action from factory management, government & brands, which is 800 signatures shy of 10,000. 

Sign it today- stand in solidarity with women-led unions demanding accountability!
You can follow @gopikabashi.
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