"Mrs. Doubtfire" is an excellent film. One of my favorites. Funny, heartwarming, important. However, it contains several inconsistencies with respect to the California family law system.


First, we are informed that Sally Field is the sole breadwinner (Robin Williams' freelance voice-over income aside). If this is the case, at the very least there would be temporary orders for Sally to pay Robin child support AND spousal support as calculated by Dissomaster.

Next, I'm not understanding why Robin's character is required to be so frequently monitored by a custody evaluator. Was this requested by his wife? Was she so concerned by his throwing a birthday party for his son that she considers him to be dangerous? Seems excessive.

If the court appointed monitor was not requested by the mother, was it ordered by the judge due to suspicion of neglect or endangerment? Is DCFS somehow involved with this, thus case giving dependency court jurisdiction? If not the presence of the monitor seems vindictive.

If this case hasn't yet gone to trial, why does Robin's character get such limited custody of his children in the interim? California tends to default to 50/50, and if Sally is the breadwinner and Robin is now a stay at home dad, HE is likely to get more time parenting time.

Why does Robin have to devise an elaborate scheme to visit his children when there appear to be no legal grounds to deny him visitation? They appear to have such a loosey goosey relationship that she literally barges into his home in the middle of one of his visits.

At one point, if memory serves, he comments that Sally is routinely late for custodial exchanges. This would certainly be grounds for a modification of custody, as judges tend to frown upon parental alienation.

So, if I'm to understand this correctly, the family court judge found the fact that Robin's character dressed as a woman to see his children (which is his right to begin with) that he permanentlly removes his kids from his care with monitored visitation? C'mon, your honor.
Other than that, a really great movie. One of my faves.

Oh, also, I'm not a lawyer.

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