I'm not saying José cannot succeed (i.e. titles) as a manager today. However, he's only succeeded historically when he's built a team with hyper-specific mental profiles — the same ones becoming a dying breed societally let alone just in football. https://twitter.com/trevillion_/status/1356664440809259010
Almost every all-time great performance from José teams have come when they've needed mental resilience the most. This is why they are entertaining games. It's not that you'll watch them win 5-0. It's that you'll watch a team perform as if their lives depend on it.
It wouldn't surprise me to see him succeed with a country as a result of that; patriotism plays a major role in players’ mental engagement at that level and he would have them mentally locked in for the whole duration of major tournaments.
Imagine giving José a group of good players who'll be mentally prepared to do anything to win for around a month. It's short-term so there won't be any burnout whilst they'll be willing to accept playing in any system José chooses.
On top of that, the international level is easier to succeed in as long as you have good players and it's largely KO-based which José teams, once again, have historically succeeded at.

José with good, mature players who only think about football? That's a great combination.
However, there's a pride element of José leaving club management and moving to internationals. It'd be seen as “he can't do it at the club level anymore” and José's entire career arch has played out with him having a chip on his shoulder due to how he got into management.
I don't expect to see José manage a country anytime soon for what it's worth. I think he'll keep Tottenham in and around the top four with the odd he-could-win-it periods but other than that it'd surprise me to see them or any other team win the title under him these days.
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