I’m sorry but the Nick Jonas / Dexcom commercial makes me mad for a few reasons. Dexcom would be better if it was available for more diabetics. It’s literally so freaking expensive. A one month supply of JUST SENSORS runs between $220-300. The transmitter runs between $230-500.
I’m fortunate enough to have insurance that covers it but to have him keep going “There are diabetics still doing finger sticks? Really?” makes it seem like it’s ridiculous that you’re not taking out a second mortgage on your house to pay for it!
Not only that but some people might just not want it?? Every diabetic and their care plan is different. Maybe they hate having something stuck to them all the time. Maybe they can’t afford it. Maybe their doctor doesn’t recommend it for them. There’s so many reasons!!
Also the fact that Nick is idolized when he hasn’t spoken once about the insulin crisis or worked to help other diabetics in need drives me nuts. But BT1 takes money from Big Pharma so of course he wouldn’t speak about it.
Growing up I loved him because he had diabetes too and he was someone that I looked up to but seeing that he only talks about diabetes for publicity or to make a quick buck pisses me off. People are suffering out here and all he does is go “Finger pricks? Really?”
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