autism will never be recognized as a category of oppression despite autists suffering measurably more than women or gay people (suicide rate is like 40%) because the "left" believes in social cues as manifest beliefs and so think "socially awkward" ppo are evil and undeserving.
If you ever went to an art school or other hyperprogressive environment you've probably seen the disdain with which "socially awkward" people are treated. It's because their whole thing is just a gay little clique with no real values beyond being cool and promiscuous.
"autism" ( not being socially agile enough to hyperanalyze word-choice, remember faces, understand social cues, etc.) is essentially fascism. A male who speaks over a woman, mixes up one black person with another, or uses the wrong pronoun isn't thought of as autistic, but evil
Obviously you can see the conflation of autism with fascism in MSM incel discourse (this word was an insider joke journalists tried to turn into an identity as a sort of suicide honeypot) and fear of socially isolated men in general. In either case focus is on how to punish them.
I don't think there's any real solution here in this oversocialized hypermediated environment besides total disconnect tbh. People like that just have to realize they were born into a world that loathes them and wants them to slit their wrists. Only solution is total rejection.
The worst part is autism isn't even a real medical condition. It's a social construct. As cultures become more interconnected social rules become more complicated and fewer than previously, some people who could have kept up before no longer can.
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