Good morning iCONs

I will like to give a little advise on something,a trend which I have seen and which is quite disturbing.

Truly social media especially twitter is a virtual world where the only thing we see or know about ourselves most time are the words we read . A Thread
The words which we type from our phone,which most of time does not tell or show who the person behind those sentences or word is.

One of the advantage of this virtual space is that we are able to communicate with each other without seeing or knowing each other, thereby creating
Good friendship and relationships that sometimes transcends into reality.

One of the disadvantages is that since we are not able to see each other aside through typed words there are tendencies that communication with each other may lead to estrangement or bad blood.
And this could also transit into real world..

This means social media as virtual as it is can also become a reality.

I have seen situations where people lost or got job because of their social media engagements. I have seen where people got killed and maimed because of it
On this virtual space I have met an iCON who is a PhD holder(an academician) very active on this space but you would never know and with very low followers. I have met a very influential iCON here who has less than 100 followers does not tweet but only likes and retweets tweets
There are many people like that, who are very influential in the society but are on this space known only by the things they type. As humans we do not exist alone but for each other, to help each other grow and achieve potentials
This is the concept of 💡💚 that Laycon explains and based his ideal or ideology on. Lets not be quick to throw jibes or insults at each other. Some tweeps before you say Jack Robinson they are already cursing out your father and mother, and your entire generation
Let us learn to have civil and fruitful conversations. Yes we may become very emotional and angry at times cos we are humans but then it should not be all the time. A certain iCON lost her cool some few days back. Few minutes later she tweeted an apology, and everything was cool
Again. We can have differences in opinions, in ideas etc but the bottom line is we should learn to respect each other. Being disrespectful is not a show of being woke , being disrespectful would rather cost you alot of friendship, relationship and even help....
I have seen an iCON singled out by another iCON and was blessed. There are people out there who are there or are ready to help you but your attitude or character may be hindering you from getting that help.

Bottomline is,let us show respect to ourselves... twitter only respects
Those with big following and that is wrong. Those with the little followers are sometimes the biggest outside this space. The song of Laycon motivation clearly expresses this sentiment. Respect everyone no matter how little or irrelevant you think they are.
Respect could go along way in building or destroying things. Respect ,restrain, patience work hand in hand. Let us do and act better.

You can follow @ALAAGBAAAA.
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