Since becoming more and more involved in the #DezNat and overall #LDS community, I’ve noticed a common thread among the ExMormon community... nearly every ExMo mentions how they’ve been “exceedingly happier” since leaving the church... (1/?)
.... and ngl, I’ve wondered why? Why are they all “happier with their life”? So I prayed about it, I pondered my scriptures, I even had thoughts about leaving the church myself. But then I got the answer... (2/?)
... temporal happiness ≠ eternal happiness. Satan will bless you with every Earthly passion/desire that you want just to keep you away from God. However, if you push through the trials, the tribulations and make the sacrifices you’re required to make... (3/?)
... then you will be blessed with Eternal Happiness, Satan can only give you so much on this mortal world, whereas God can and WILL give you anything you desire forever, to the point where he’ll teach you to become godly such as He is! (4/5)
... so if you’re ever tempted by temporal desires, happiness, just remember to never give up! Keep pushing! I can promise you, the rewards on the other side are MUCH MUCH more than the ones Satan promises (5/5)
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