OODA Loops

Exploring where my lack of understanding can lead to here. In what ways are OODA loops meaningful?

Initially, they look like an academic explanation of phenomena that occurs. But seems there's few, practical ways to implement. Is that really the case?
Picturing an example:
Starting a new job -
Observe - coworker behaviors, boss temperament
Orient - natural inclinations to the status quo? Are you similar or different?
Decide - how do you want to relate to this environment?
Act - implementation plan based off decision
Loop 2
Observe - how do people respond to first actions? Highly affected? not reacting?
Orient - how do you feel about the resulting responses?
Decide - double down? pull back? cease actions?
Act - how do you implement your modifications?
With 2 axes it might be:
1st Axis = Internal <-> External
2nd Axis = Organized <-> Disorganized

Observe takes in disorganized external information
Orient internalizes disorganized information
Decide organizes internal information
Act externalizes organized information
Chart might look like this.

Side thought, what outside of the OODA loop could be on here?
So far this is still intellectualizing something that's supposed to be a tool with utility.

One key feature of OODA loops is they're supposed to promote agility and quick fluid decision making.

So trying to determine where you are in an OODA loop might miss the point
Nonetheless, I think it's an interesting thread. So let's explore it.

Say you've got an OODA Loop for a new job. We'll title it "Success in new job."

Awareness on where you are in the OODA loop opens up some interesting concepts.
For one, knowing where you are in the loop can help with self-forgiveness.

Why aren't you hitting the ground runnning? Because you're in the observe phase. It's not the time for that. You're collecting data and getting pertinent info.
Conversely, in the act phase, you can stop collecting data immediately. You know you'll be returning to observe, but right now is an "exploit" not "explore" phase.

Data gathering too soon could prohibit your ability to execute effectively, allotting too little time to action.
Keeping a journal/log on where you think you're at in the OODA loop on a daily basis could actually accelerate your movement through the loop.

Reflection on your observations, how you're oriented to them, decision making processes and action steps store data for the next loop.
Now if "Success in new job" is too vague/broad, you can split it up into smaller loops.

One might be "job promotion track" and another "relationships with coworkers". This helps clarify what matters in "Success in new job", while everything irrelevant fades into the background.
If one continues to split loops into smaller parts, it could develop into too much of a cognitive load.

20-30 managed in this way would be too much. This is likely a feature, not a bug.

It's a soft indicator of how many fucks to give.
OODA loops aren't exactly goals.

10 large goals is usually too much.

100 fucks given in a day is par for the course.

OODA loops could play a healthy middle ground. Clustering the number of fucks you give into continuous narrative themes you want to hold in high regard.
An hour later and I appreciate OODA loops now. This seems to just scratch the surface with how you could extrapolate this.

I might try to establish a journaling practice around one OODA loop and see where that leads, going forward.
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