Everytime I read the latest atrocity propaganda from the US based on "personal testimony," I always search for their names to see if they've changed their testimony over time. I instantly recognized Tursunay Ziyawadun's name because she's changed her story multiple times
Isnt it awfully convenient that Western state propaganda outlets like the BBC publish claims that are "impossible to verify" as if they are facts? Why not just refuse to publish wild allegations until you have credible evidence? The point is spread sensationalist nonsense
This is not the first time supposed "testimonies" from Xinjiang have changed over time. Another famous "witness" that Western propaganda outlets repeatedly cite is Sayragul Sawatbay, who's been documented to have multiple contradictions and inconsistencies
If China's mistreatment of Uyghurs is really as widespread as Western atrocity propaganda says they are, then why do they cite the same "witnesses" who change their story all the time? Why not find real victims with consistent testimonies?
In any case, I'm not arguing that there's no mistreatment of Uyghurs whatsoever, I'm saying that "journalists" shouldn't frivolously spread extreme unverifiable claims of "systematic rape," "genocide" and "cultural genocide" without *credible evidence* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/11/international-criminal-icc-china-uighur-genocide-claims
If you're one of those bloviating hypocrites who condemn China's alleged atrocities more than your own countries' crimes for which you bear more responsibility and control over, you should prioritize the discussion of holding your own govt accountable first
Any comparison of Western media's coverage of Saudi Arabia vs China will instantly reveal them as US-UK apologists for US-UK war crimes and their allies' crimes, and lying hypocrites who pretend to care about human rights and authoritarianism
Also, former US colonel Lawrence Wilkerson literally admitted that part of the reason the US is still illegally occupying Afghanistan is to exploit the Uyghurs into destabilizing China, so stop being gullible dupes who swallow Western propaganda
Lastly, even Adrian Zenz, who is a shameless liar who doesnt know Chinese, has never been to Xinjiang, and is one of the only sources Western media relies on for their hysterical allegations is also a "genocide denier", because there's literally no genocide
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