so. he didn’t attack the woman or throw a chair at her. he kicked a chair near her out of anger impulse and frightened her. that is NOT the same. however, it doesn’t dismiss the womans feelings, surely that was a bad experience and ppl may resent adam, rightfully so (1/?)
however also don’t go around saying he’s physically abusing and hurting people. as far as we know that isnt true and thats not the story. he definitely has some anger issues he needs to work out and he owes the victim an apology, and anyone else he has lashed out at (2/?)
the actions he has taken are unprofessional and unfair to costars. i hope he gets his issues worked out, i really do, thats unhealthy esp in a work environment. on another note, u cant expect everyone to suddenly hate him and separate from him after this (3/?)
it’s possible to love someone and still acknowledge that they have done wrong. do i excuse or defend this behavior? no. do i hope the victim can heal & never have to experience this again? yes, by all means. i believe her. it isn’t a black-&-white, all or nothing situation (4/?)
though. you don’t have to be 100% completely infatuated and defensive of someone OR 100% hating them, cancelling them, blocking people. there is a middle. we can hold him accountable for this and hope he makes a statement without cutting him out of our lives. (5/?)
i guess what im saying is that switching from obsession to hate over acting out angrily isnt gonna be the case for everyone. i love adam. i can’t suddenly stop. i’m glad it isn’t worse, but i wish it didn’t happen. i wont defend this, but don’t tell ppl they’re shit for (6/7)
liking him. also, acting “diva”-ish sucks but like... i feel a lot of celebs r like that. that doesn’t make it okay, but still. just, see both sides, hope for truth, & healing for both parties. don’t spread false info and let people feel how they feel. (7/7)
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