Thread: I am the Democrat running against terrorist sympathizer Lauren Boebert and we aren’t playing any games. A number of you have asked where I stand on the issues and I want to share some additional information with you now that we are up and running: 1/
COVID-19: As a Marine, we always had a plan for any mission we embarked on. We knew if we didn’t think through the logistics, we would fail and people would get killed. 2/
That’s what infuriates me when it comes to the failings of the federal government and the Trump administration to come up with a plan to combat the coronavirus. Over 443,000 Americans needlessly died because there was no plan, no vision, and no leadership in Washington DC. 3/
As your Congressman, you better believe that I will make sure we not only have a plan to overcome the coronavirus, but that we are fully prepared to handle any other pandemic that we may face in the future. 4/
Economy: When was the last time any of these politicians in DC passed legislation that would bolster small businesses, create jobs, and reinvest in you, the people? It’s been decades as far as I’m concerned. 5/
That’s why I support major investments back into American workers, small businesses, and our crumbling infrastructure. We’ve been ignored long enough and it’s time that Congress reinvest in the American economy. 6/
Healthcare: No family should have to go bankrupt to pay for their medical bills. Period. I plan on changing that in Congress. You can count on me to fight to lower prescription drug costs, protect Coloradans with pre-existing conditions, and strengthen the Affordable Care Act. 7/
Our healthcare system has been working against families for too long in this country. You have my word that I will fight for you, and not Big Pharma or health insurance companies. 8/
Climate: The science is settled. Climate change is real and we need to address the threat head on. Not only should the United States lead from the front on this issue, we also need to pressure China and India to get in line as well. 9/
I will support efforts to invest in clean energy technology that will help create new jobs, clean up our environment, and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil. 10/
Immigration: This is America, a nation shaped by immigration from the very beginning. I will defend DREAMers and support a path to citizenship. As Americans we must also fix what is broken in our immigration process for individuals seeking to come here legally. 11/
Equality: I stand firmly with the belief that all Americans are equal and deserving of the same rights and freedoms. It’s what I defended as a US Marine and what I will continue to do in Congress fighting for equal pay and strengthening the protections of civil rights for all 12/
Women’s Rights: Gender discrimination should have no place in our communities. Not in work, education, or health care. I support the funding and advancement of policies that center women’s rights, including ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). 13/
LGBTQ: I support the Supreme Court’s recognition that ALL Americans have the right to marry the person they love. I will defend the progress that has been made while looking forward towards equality for all in the LGBTQ community. 14/
No Corporate PAC Donations: My campaign will not be steered by special interests and corporations, we have the people on our side. I will not accept money from corporate political action committees. 15/
Sensible Gun Laws: I’m a proud gun owner and I support the 2nd amendment. I believe we must improve our system of background checks to ensure that every gun transferred anywhere in the US is subject to a background check. 16/
My first vote for a Democrat was Hillary Clinton for president. I was proud to vote Joe Biden for president. I am a registered Democrat. I’m a Marine. Lauren Boebert isn’t the first radical extremist I’ve taken on. She’s just the first one who called herself a congresswoman. 17/
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