Now that the excitement has settled a bit, I want to talk to those who weren't selected for this round of AMM.

You were not meant for R8.

This can be hard to accept when you're still in the feeling of rejections, but i promise your publishing journey will bring you elsewhere
more important places, places you're going to belong in.

lots of factors go into this choice. i entered R5 and didn't get a request. Then, I wrote a new MS & subbed to R6. i chose my mentor because her MSWL PERFECTLY fit my MS. And she chose me, because she knew she could help.
AMM, PW, other mentorship programs, and publishing as a whole are a culmination of "right manuscript, right people, right time"

all 3 of those have to align, and that is DAMN hard.
maybe it wasn't the right MS

maybe it wasn't the right mentors

maybe it wasn't the right time

that's okay. you can write another MS, pick different mentors, try again and again and again, until those three things align
After those three things didn't align for my AMM MS with agents, i wrote another MS and subbed to PW in october. all the mentors requested, but I didn't get chosen.

but it's okay, because i know those factors didn't align.
i'm revising the MS on my own, and have taken it to levels I could not have managed had I been constrained by the PW framework.

and you can do the same.
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