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(A Bleach Thread) 🧵
Yhwach (pronounced Juhabaha), is the Father of Quincy’s, the Almighty, as well as the final antagonist of the bleach series. From a narrative standpoint, his character represents the fear of death. But this isn’t all there is to him, as will be discussed in this thread.
The core aspect in the world building of bleach revolves around the concept of souls. Soul reapers guide lost souls to the afterlife, and they also punish souls that have gone astray in the form of hollows. Fullbringers impart their souls on objects. Arrancar split their souls..
I’m sure you get the gist.

So what happens when you create a character that is able to freely manipulate their soul and even grant power with it ? You get Yhwach. Right from when he was a baby, Yhwach was able to separate pieces of his soul and cure the ailments of others.
This ranged from terminal illnesses to missing limbs. Everything could be healed with his blessed body. The catch is: once you have been granted his blessing, you must return that which belongs to him. Everyone that received his healing would meet an ill fate sooner or later.
You see, despite this ability, Yhwach was helpless on his own. He needed other people to foster his growth and become the catalysts for his future.

With the help of those sacrificing their lives for him, he was able to grow. Until eventually, he learns how to control his power.
The Schrift.

As Yhwach grew older, he was able to freely inscribe a piece of his soul unto the souls of others in the form of a letter, granting them great power. In return, upon death, or whenever he felt like, he will reclaim not only their power, but their lives too.
After mastering this ability, Yhwach created the elite force known as the sternritter, German for “Star Knights”.

The sternritter are quite easily the most threatening enemy force in bleach to date, as they trampled upon Soul Society in less than a day, claiming many lives.
True to his name as the Father of Quincy’s, Yhwach quickly rose to become the emperor of the Wandenreich, which translates to “invisible empire” in Japanese. This name was chosen due to Yhwach and his forces hiding right underneath soul society’s nose following their defeat..
..1000 years prior at the Blood War, a genocide of the Quincy race. By creating a pocket space within the shadow of soul society using their innate ability to manipulate reishi (spirit particles), the quincy built their base right there in Soul Society, lurking ..
Waiting for the right time to strike.

And that time was after Aizen’s rebellion.

With his power revitalized after a crushing defeat to Yamamoto, Yhwach returns as the prophecies said he would, filled with a boundless sense of charisma, and the power to back it up.
However, all of this is just an aside. Where Yhwach’s power truly lies, is his own schrift. The Almighty.

This ability is quite probably one of the most STUPID broken things you will ever come across in fiction, and quite frankly Kubo’s highest ceiling in terms of power.
Yhwach observes the future through the Almighty in the form of a beach of sand, with each individual grain of sand representing a specific timeline. Not only can he directly see each possible future, he has the ability to ignore cause and effect and alter the future.
If he is fighting an opponent and he wants to cancel their power up, he will cancel it. If he doesn’t want you using a weapon ? He simply breaks it in the future. If he DIES, he simply alters his future to one where he doesn’t. The application of this ability is nonsensical.
And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg. Remember how he can forcibly reclaim all the powers he bestowed upon those he has marked ? Well those powers include the ability to nullify/reverse an enemy’s attacks, to imagine anything he wants, and even the concept of miracles.
It doesn’t end there. After absorbing the soul king, Yhwach gained the ability to freely warp matter on a dimensional level, as we see him freely moulding soul society to his will, one atom at a time. He can also freely absorb others as well, as he did with Aizen.
He also possesses the Auswahlen. Using this ability, Yhwach can freely transfer the power of ANY Quincy whom he deems unfit, in the form of raw energy, and grant it to whomever he pleases. By doing this, he can practically bring people back from the dead, as well as boost himself
As if none of this was scary enough, Yhwach can freely scatter his spirit particles within the atmosphere as a form of marking too. Meaning as long as his residual energy is left behind, he is able to resurrect, even if his body was destroyed years prior.
Not only does he already have an insane arsenal, if he wishes, he could have your power too. The longer you fight him, the stronger he gets.

Yhwach is a walking Big Bang. And strangely enough, with all this power, of all the characters in bleach, he fears death the most.
Yhwach’s character was one that took lives on a mere whim, but due to his power, he absorbed the very essence of the person he killed, along with their memories, and their very souls. He understood the emptiness that came with living, and sought to erase that in his own way.
Though he failed, it is undeniable that Yhwach was a powerhouse, that truly deserved his name, the Almighty.
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