misinforming, disinforming, and encouraging dangerous practices to severely traumatized folks, many of whom may not be aware of their trauma (which is why they think they're endo or paro or w/e BS-genic prefix you come up with) or other disorder(s). https://twitter.com/CainUnashamed/status/1356753962918010881
If you don't see the problem in telling someone who has clearly introjected a fictional character that they can travel to that world or that this introject is TRULY that character and cannot be separated from the "world they're from" like fam this is a DISORDER, introjects
are a PART OF THE DISORDER, and if you don't realize that telling people that have DID that their introjects are actually kins from another fucking universe they can travel to IS ACTUALLY NOT HELPFUL???? Then you are just another fucking level of maliciously ignorant.
Internalizing beliefs that disconnect you from reality - whether reality be an abusive situation or a disorder you're ignoring symptoms of - is not healthy, it's a form of escapism and it can turn into all kinds of unpleasantness if encouraged in someonee who already dissociates
to a very high degree. THERE ARE SO MANY LEVELS OF HARM to online diagnosing something.
You can follow @CainUnashamed.
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