We have the first executive order on border issues (emailed out)! It begins by declaring that "Securing our borders does not require us to ignore the humanity of those who seek to cross them. The opposite is true."

I strongly agree with that!
Here's the first operative language, calling for the preparation of a "Root Causes Strategy" and a "Collaborative Management Strategy" to be prepared with the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Secretary of State, DHS Secretary, the AG, and others.
The "Root Causes Strategy" is designed to "identify and prioritize actions to address the underlying factors leading to migration in the region and ensure coherence of United States Government positions."

There is a long list of things that the Strategy must take into account.
The Collaborative Management Strategy calls for a "focus on programs and infrastructure that facilitate access to protection and other lawful immigration avenues, in both the United States and partner countries, as close to migrants' homes as possible."
Next, we get an order for the Secretary of State and DHS Secretary to expand access to protections that can be applied for from abroad—like refugee status. They also call for the restoration of the Central American Minors Program, and parole for some with approved visa petitions.
On to asylum processing, the part I'm most interested in. First, the DHS Secretary and the CDC Director are required to "promptly begin consultation and planning" with NGOs "to develop policies and procedures for safe and orderly processing of asylum claims."

Nothing concrete.
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