Not sure it's fair to say Fields was in a "one read" offense at OSU. Did they run a number of plays with easy reads where your #1 is meant to be open? Yes.

But lots of those concepts are also run in the NFL. Here's a look 👇

Triangle-Mesh is something Washington ran a decent amount. Here's Fields running the exact same concept. This one is not one read but it's mean to be an easy one. Against man you likely work the crossing WR. Against zone, the hook route in the middle. Here he runs it both ways.
Fields, along with all of NCAA football, run a lot of RPO. But so does Washington. Along with lots of NFL teams.

You could call these plays "one read" but they're also things he'd be running in Washington.
Another example of a "one read" concept he ran in college that he'd also run in Washington. The slot fade route is expected to be open vs man with the pick from the outside receiver. Should be an easy read every time. Unless the slot defender can get around the pick (WAS clip).
Another similar concept he ran was Deep Cross from play action under center.

It's a 2-man route combo with a check down. Scott Turner ran a lot of variations of this and other, similar concepts. Another easy read that works. Fields read it right. Haskins read it wrong.
And this is just a cut-up of a number of plays where Fields is being asked to go through progressions on plays that aren't as simple or easy.
In summary:

Does he have to work through progressions every play? No. But it won't be every play in the NFL either. It'll definitely be more so he'll have to get comfortable with it but that goes for every college QB entering the NFL. (1/2)
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