does death scare y’all? i think i’m okay with dying because i really believe that gone souls live on earth. so i’m comfortable because i know i’ll come back and live more lives after this.
like you know those videos of children who say crazy things and it’s like how do you know that?! LOLLL. this 4 year old was talking about 9/11 and how hot the floor was and how he stood on top of his desk. like that’s ode, his soul came back and is now a 4yr old
that’s why i refer to Alexa as my soulmate, she’s much more than my bestfriend. i really believe that our souls are tied together and they travel together, i legitimately feel incomplete without her
one time i went to the future and i couldn’t think of anyone but Alexa. like really, she is my half. maybe we were sisters in a past life, neighbors, bffs, or even lovers, idk. but i know that we don’t really move through life without each other
sometimes i remember random things that i have never experienced and i just think why would i think that?
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