White spiritualists in the community automatically gain visibility as a byproduct of whiteness.
It’s taken seriously when yt ppl do spiritual work
But it's considered mumbo jumbo/mythological when indigenous/black ppl do it

There's literally a step by step process on how
native spiritual practices are stolen.

Step 1 demonization:
The practice is seen as "anti-christian" or demonic in western society and is abhorred. And is considered "base" or prehistoric in comparison to the "modern" Abrahamic religions.
Step 2 Appropriation:
Westerners and White people look at these religions and reinvent them. A perfect example of this is chakra work and yoga. I myself have perpetuated the colonial belief of "oo chakras lol let me use them" when I am not even Hindu. What allows me or others to
engage in chakra work when I have not done the research and cultural understanding that is behind it? These are then seen as trends and are marketed to the western world as cute devices to be used in new age spirituality. In actuality we are stripping the culture and religion
that they are tied to.

Another example is the Native American understanding of a spirit animal.
A spirit animal is cute when white and western ppl talk about it but is not taken seriously when spoken about in the Native American context
This creates a system where:
Whiteness = legitimacy
And blackness/browness= delegitimate/ or a mere hobby

Being a White spiritualists you are automatically granted legitimacy in your craft. Even if you are practicing religions/spiritual practices that are not yours

Black and brown people are seen as delegitimate for practicing their own religions/practices and are often unheard/unseen/unverified for their work.

This also ties into astrology considering it originated (correct me if im wrong) from Egypt. Yet White astrologers are at the
forefront and make the most money for it.

We are all victims and perpetuators of colonization in the spiritual community to some degree. Unlearn the new age spiritual practices and really ask yourself:

Did my ancestors practice these things?
Why am I doing this?
Where did this practice originate from?
Do I have the full cultural understanding of this practice?
Decolonize spiritual work and spaces.
Decolonize your mind.

Remember this effects people's livelihoods and people's ability to gain publicity and capital.
Why is the White spiritualist who talks about Yoga and Chakras receiving so much money and booking all the spaces, yet the indigenous practitioner receives practically nothing and is gaslighted?

Why is the Black person who studied under a Baba or Iya for years not being
listened to but the Black person who read one book on Ifa selling spiritual baths for Osun receiving all the money in the world?

New age spirituality is disrupting the ability to truly understand these religions and cultures.
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