I believe AOC, & feel sorry for trauma she endured on Jan 6th. I just don’t get the current attacks on her from my comrades-& yes I know she has the healthcare/mental healthcare we all want. I believe Tara Reade & Blasey-Ford & Trump’s & Clinton’s accusers & their trauma, too.
Unfortunately, I fully understand the hypocrisy of the liberals who attacked Tara Reade - they didn’t really care about her because they wanted to protect Biden, and judged/smeared Tara because she didn’t seem “respectable” enough for them.
I don’t think leftists should become as hard hearted as liberals are over an issue like this - we should stand w/ victims, not scoff at their trauma. And let’s face it, she might well have been murdered by those fascists had they gotten ahold of her that day.
We can feel sorry for what she went through, and still criticize her inaction on what she should be there to do: take on the establishment Dems and their callous disregard for our wellbeing. But we don’t have to become a-holes in the process.
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