From the looks of the translations it seems he hit a chair in anger, he did’t come for her (? If I’m wrong, please correct me). However that doesn’t excuse his actions. Like dude, idc how in character you are or how angry, that isn’t cool. Be conscious of what you do.
Now, do i see this as means to cancel him? No, i don’t. I totally understand those who chose to disassociate with someone like that though. Like completely.
I, as well as the rest of us, are no one to say that this woman’s reaction was invalid. I mean, if a 6’3” man was screaming and hitting chairs near me, I’d be damn well offended too. Like wtf is wrong with you?
Tw // abuse

I’ve been kind of spiraling all day because I’ve stanned Adam for a long time and to hear about him being abusive to an elderly woman made me question literally everything. As it should anyone who has also supported him.
But after getting better access to the translation and hearing the story in full, I believe we all need to take a step back and breathe. Again, his actions are inexcusable...
... but I think so many of us jumped to conclusions and fell into anxiety so quickly because we didn’t understand what happened. Now we do with an accurate translation and all we can ask is for Adam to address this because it was not okay.
I just hope everyone is taking care of themselves, drinking water, taking breaks. This is traumatizing for so many so please also have grace with those who are figuring out how to move next with their accounts/fandom. I love you all.❤️ Please take care of yourselves.
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