1.The person who wrote this thread wants to remain anonymous. They have agreed to my publishing their powerful words.
Please read.
2." "He'd never do something like THAT!"
"He never did ANYTHING to me!"
"I know him in real life and he's a kind person!"
"Why are you telling lies about him?"
"You're making it all up!"
"You're lying!"
"You're nothing but an attention seeker!"
"You're destroying his life!"
3. "You shouldn't be talking about it on here."
"Get over it & move on!"
"Don't believe you!"
"Why don't you go to the police then!"
"Don't go to the police because you know he didn't do it!"
"You went to the police? I don't believe you - what's the crime reference number then?"
4. "You won't reveal the crime ref number? So you didn't go to the police then."
"There is no police investigation because there is no crime ref number."
"You're harassing HIM, not the other way around!"
"I'm reporting you to the police for harassing HIM!"
5. "But I've spoken to the police and they have told me there is no investigation, so you're lying!"
"The police wouldn't lie about it, therefore you must be lying."
"Is this the police officer dealing with your investigation? He doesn't even exist! You're lying again!"
6. "I'm going to contact that police officer and tell him you're lying."
"There's more of you? That proves you're just ganging up on him!"
"I bet you're all being coached to say the same things and tell the same lies!"
"There's more than 30 of you? He definitely didn't do it!"
7. "He's a vulnerable person, why are you doing this to him?"
"You have something against him because he's autistic, you're evil!"
"He sad he's gay - so why would he do that to a woman?"
"You must be homophobic!"
"You're just jealous because he had more followers than you!"
8. "All he ever wanted to do was dance & make people happy. Your lies forced him to stop doing what he enjoyed."
"He says the police told him to stay off social media to protect himself from people like you!"
"He wouldn't harm a fly!"
"Where's your evidence?"
"Where's the proof?
9. "Why haven't the police arrested him? More proof he's innocent!"
"This has been going for a long time, it would have been dealt with by now so this proves you're lying!"
"I'll hide behind an anonymous account and keep telling people he's innocent and you're lying."
10. "I'm going to keep on organising pile-ons and keep writing horrible things about you all because you're lying about him."
"Give me evidence. Give me proof."
"Any evidence or proof you put out will destroy any chances of it going to court "
"Give me evidence anyway!"
11. "We're sending him a message that we want him back on Twitter!"
"What do you mean by there's nothing to stop him?"
"No! He did not deactivate his account and run away because woman came forward with stories of abuse - they were abusing him!"
"So-called victims are RW trolls!"
12. "What do you mean you were his friends who looked out for him? Liars!"
"We've reported you to the police for harassing him & us."
"It doesn't matter what you accuse him of, we'll never believe you."
"You're lying!"
"You're sick and twisted!"
"We're going to mass report you!"
13. "We're going to mobilise an anti-hate group to target you to make you stop your allegations."
"Every step you take, every move you make, we'll be watching you!"


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