if youre ND and you have a tendency to insert your own experiences when other people vent, you can always just skip the event itself, and say how it made you feel. skip the "i get it because when i--" and just say "i get how that can make you feel (feeling)."
to be fair some people are not even bothered as much when folks do this. but either way, if you feel like it wouldn't be helpful to offer your own anecdote, you can always just affirm the way the other person feels. "i'm sorry, that sounds frustrating" goes a long way
and it doesn't have to be short either! "yeah, it makes you feel like nobody's listening to you," or "that sounds like it can be mentally and emotionally exhausting," for example. you're still showing that you can relate and understand
it doesn't really bother me when people do this honestly. but i know there are people who feel bulldozed over when someone does this. i think its just a difference in the way people communicate honestly
but we should maybe stop assuming that everyone who does this is being selfish or rude. if you don't like that people do that you could just... say that. and on the other hand, be prepared for someone to tell you they don't like that.
im a firm believer in the idea that we should be talking to each other about how to talk to each other. lol. things that bother some folks are preferred by other folks.
this was specifically addressed to ND folks because i think while everyone does this at some point or another, ND folks get punished for it a lot more often. especially people who have a tendency for hyper-verbalizing like me.
and people treat you like you should know better than to do it, when there's really no reason why that should come as second nature to anybody. lol.
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