Since today is Rem's birthdayπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰( also Ram's ofcπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ) , I decided to do a small thread (probably small) explaining how Rem became my fav character. It's simple stuff , so relax and enjoy my super amazing fabulous incredible story between me and Rem.

Ok sooooooo:
My first impression of Rem was " ah , she's got a interesting personality and I bet the interactions with Subaru and Rem will be fun". And I was right since Rem would "verbally abuse" Subaru, and his reactions were funny. So I liked their character dynamic from the start.
Then episode 7 came out , and I was reallyy suprised that Rem was the murder all along. I didn't get angry at Rem, tbh I was more suprised than angry. I was speechless watching the episode and I cried aswell ( yeah yeah I get very emotional watching anime oof).
Anyway, this episode is one of my favourites. Seeing Subaru betrayed by the people he wanted to protect, crying and being powerless.. and then watching a different side of Rem like she was someone else. It was sad and amazing at the same time. Subaru became my favourite
MC after this scene. I Just wanted him to be happy and get the future he desires and so I got really attached to him. About Rem , I was wondering how Subaru would gain her trust, and it was really sad to see her acting like this when I was enjoying their interactions a lot.
I did enjoy Rem's past and her trying to save subaru from the curse was nice to see, because to me that was a sign that their relationship could improve

Going to episode 11 , the scene with Rem and subaru was beautiful , Rem saying bad things about herself while Subaru was
How important she was , the good things about her and how she saved his life. My love for Subaru and Rem became even stronger. Seeing Rem crying of happiness was so good, and at this moment I could see that Rem cared about their relationship ( unlike ep 7 and before).
After the events of episode 11 , Rem fell in love with Subaru and seeing Rem cute interactions with Subaru was so nice. Rem was much happier than before, her divine smile and Rem expressing her love to Subaru without being shy about it , made me so happy and like her more.
You see , before watching re:zero I never found a girl in anime who could express their love like Rem does. Most of them are really shy about it or act like a tsundere, which is sometimes understandable , but sometimes annoying aswell. Rem is always showing her love to Subaru
Like it's second nature to her without being shy or embarrassed. And that made me respect her and like her character even more.She knows that Subaru loves Emilia but she respects his wishes and feelings, because seeing Subaru happy is enough for her (she wants more than that ofc)
Now Yeah... the depressing stuff yay-...yikes. Anyway.. we know what happened in episodes 14-17.. and we know how much Rem cared for Subaru , to the point of always sacrificing herself to save him. My respect for her kept growing and growing, I was just "wow...."
Now , I did say that I respected Rem after all she did in episodes 14-17 , but it was obvious that Rem didn't cared about her life too much, and so she didn't think that people would care about her even if she died. But we know how Subaru and Ram felt.
I really wanted to Rem to love herself more , and I hope in the future this happens.

Now we reach episode 15 ( my 2nd fav episode of all time). Rem trying to do everything to save Subaru was really fantastic, because she was injured but still she did her best for Subaru.
Unfortunalety she lost against Kirito on drugs and was forced to play twister.... Rem got tortured and she must have felt an incredible amount of pain ,but still surviving , she managed to free Subaru. Her last words were " I love you". Rem always showed her love for Subaru
But she never said " I Love you" to Subaru ( I hope I'm not wrong). And these words which are suppose to bring happiness and joy , were Rem's last words before she died, bringing sadness and despair instead . I cried ( yes again and again) when she said those words.
Episode 15 was really a masterpiece for me ,the episode that made that Rem was really special for me.Rem who does everything to save the man she loves and she won't give up no matter what Rem is one of the nicest character I know and a character who I respect a lot (like Subaru )
It is true that Rem's actions did bring a lot of pain to Subaru. And maybe she could have asked for others for help instead of sacrificing herself. But even so, all of her actions was to save Subaru and I really respect her. Rem-sama is the best.
And yes..we finally reach ep 18. It's my fav episode of all time period. This was the ep which made Rem my become my favourite character of all time.I never did think that a episode of just 2 characters talking with each other in the same place would make me feel so many emotions
We got Subaru saying how he hates himself and how useless he is and the mistakes he did. And in episodes 13-17 , we all saw the bad sides of Subaru.

BUT, Rem reminded us the good sides of Subaru. She knows that Subaru saved her life and how much Subaru cares about his friends
Even after Subaru did bad things, we can't forget all of the good things that Subaru did before. Look at Rem , she killed Subaru , she was forgiven and she managed to change for the better and be happy...

Anyway , Subaru asked Rem to run away with him, fully
Understanding that Rem would want that since she loves him. And that's true , Rem really wanted that and she even imagined how life would be if they did that. But Rem cared more about Subaru's feelings than hers , because she knew that Subaru wouldn't be happy.
Rem's kindness is infinite ( yeah yeah sloth IF happened but in this timeline she didn't) and I think that if it was a typical anime girl , she might have said "yes" , caring more about her than Subaru.

Like I said before, what was beautiful in this episode was
How Rem said how much she loved Subaru, the good sides Subaru , what she loves about Subaru without feeling shy or Anything. If Rem was the normal romcom girl she wouldn't be able to express her feelings. But she did it , and that's really fantastic.
Rem was the one who made Subaru get back on his feet and remind Subaru that he isn't alone. When Subaru said " I love Emilia " , if Rem was a typical girl from other animes she would just slap Subaru and leave him. But she didn't ,because she wants Subaru to be happy.
After all of that.... of course I'm going to love and respect Rem a lot. She is an amazing character and a very kind person girl who will do everything for the people she loves. Like Subaru, I really respect Rem a lottttt. I'm glad that I'm able to like a character like RemπŸ’™πŸ’™.
OK FINALLY I FINISHED.. man this thread took me soooo long since I'm very bad with words jeez... the people who are always making threads are amazing.

so yeah , that's my amazing and fantastic story , it's simple stuff and I really wanted to do something for Rem's birthday
this took me 1h and 30 minutes to do it.. tbh I could have done more buttt I was already burned out , andd this thread should show how much I love rem indeed. I might have said repetitive stuff but eh , just ignore it. enjoy this masterpiece
Remember when I said this was going to be a small thread ??? hummm ... yeah sorry about that lmaooo
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