No one can say that the @UKLabour brand hasn't been damaged in recent years, whether you look at the trashing of our record in government during the Miliband (Ed) years or the more recent problems of the Corbyn years
So it is right to look at messaging, policy and presentation
To suggest that issues of pride, respect and patriotism are the property of the far right is politically naive and blinkered
This is not a Johnson-lite strategy it is a return to out roots, a return to civic pride and a sense of both community and belonging
Years ago voices to the left of me bitterly complained when we pledged to tackle antisocial behaviour, to crack down on street crime, to rebuild communities and the same voices will attack this - ignore them - the majority of the electorate and Labour voters will wlecome this
Why is it we can celebrate the NHS and praise it as a great part of who and what we are but any attempt to extend that to other institutions, communities, towns, villages, cities, regions and nations is rejected
Some dress stuff up with fancy titles such as "Sense of Place"
It doesn't need a title it is decency, respect, tolerance and pride - all solid Labour values
And the flag, get over it, no one is suggesting we all have flags in our gardens - again it is about pride and you can be from the left and have pride, be patriotic and ...
... want he UK to be the best it can, a decent place to live, learn, work, play and grow old in
In recent years we drifted from that - it is good we are moving forward with a revitalised and modern translation of our roots
This isn't 'Starmerism' it is real Labour, a Labour that speaks for the many not the few, not just our core support or a couple of people sitting in a mayors office in the NE of England who don't understand Labour history and values or the patriotism of the left
Finally: When push comes to shove the electorate will always reject a party that doesn't understand or constantly talks the UK down
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