I'm so tired of explaining this to people who just don't get it, like this chick.

But here it goes anyway.

Can a black person do well in a challenging situation/job/task without being called “a credit to their race?”

No, but white people can.
Can black people do well in their job, and that success, or even the fact that they got the job in the first place, not be attributed to the color of their skin?

No, but white people can.

Have white people ever been subjected to redlining?

No, but black people have.
Can black people get pulled over by a cop and not worry about whether or not they’ll be shot, even if they’re just doing what the officer tells them to?

No, but white people can.
Do white people get pulled over because they’re driving an expensive car, or are driving in the “wrong neighborhood?

No, but black people do.

Do white people get followed around in stores to make sure they aren’t stealing anything?

No, but black people do.
Did Brock Turner get real prison time for raping an intoxicated girl?

No, but a black man would have.

If a black kid commits a crime, especially a violent crime, will people say he was a “brilliant student” and “sweet kid?”

No, but they would for a white kid .
Are white people automatically seen as violent by everyone?

No, but black people are.

Are white people exposed to hatred from others because of the color of their skin repeatedly every day?

No, but black people are.
Have white people been lynched by mobs without ever getting a day in court to defend themselves?

No, but black people have.

Can black people move into a “nice neighborhood" without people thinking "there goes the neighborhood?"

No, but white people can.
Are white people's achievements automatically attributed to affirmative action, meaning they were assumed to have done that solely because they took the position/place in school away from a black person who deserved it more?

No, but black people's are
When black people are told of our national heritage, are they shown that people of their race made it what it is?

No, but white people are.

Can black oriole count on their skin color to show that they are financially reliable?

No, but white people can.
Ten richest Americans: 100% white

US Congress: 90% white

People who decide what type of shows are on most networks: 93% white

People who decide what news is covered: 85% white

Teachers: 82% white
THAT is white privilege.

White privilege is NOT suggesting that white people have never struggled.

White privilege is NOT the assumption that everything a white person has accomplished is unearned

White Privilege means the COLOR OF YOUR SKIN hasn't made it harder to succeed.
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