any time you try to tell grognards that yes, the creators of D&D were conservative Christians, they *lose their shit*

like, even if I *hadn't* worked directly with plenty of people who were at TSR back in the day, most of this is very, very publicly available info
like I don't know how much more obvious the Mormon elements in Dragonlance, coming from very Mormon author Tracy Hickman, could be
I don't know how much more obviously Christian-centric the idea that paladins (you know, the historical Christian knights tasked with protecting European purity against Teh Evil Muslims?) are automatically good could be
I don't know how much more obviously Christian the alignment system (which treats "law" as a counter-force to "good") in D&D could possibly be
Like, Gary Gygax was a Jehovah's Witness. Tracy Hickman is a devout Mormon. Dave Arneson was described by everyone who knew him as a "devout Christian" (a term almost never used for liberal Christians).

It's Christians alllllll the way down.
And the idea that the "Satanic Panic" around D&D somehow proves its founders WEREN'T Christian is...

well, let me introduce you to <checks notes> all of Christian history? in which any time Christians disagreed with other Christians on anything they accused them of Satanism?
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