A few points about this story: No. 1, press secretaries aren't born with magic intuition enabling them to divine all the topics that interest the WH press corps, so they ask around. 1/ https://twitter.com/thedailybeast/status/1356422896973983746
As @GlennKesslerWP notes, that used to happen via a morning gaggle in the Clinton WH. https://twitter.com/GlennKesslerWP/status/1356463362843029506 2/
It's helpful to consider that the WH press briefing is ideally a place where reporters get answers for *stories they are working on* and not a theater for scoring points. 3/
For anyone interested in how things go when the press secretary has no clue what's on reporters' minds, I refer you to Dec. 2, when Kayleigh McEnany said, in effect, that she wasn't aware of the things that reporters wanted to know. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/12/03/kayleigh-mcenany-isnt-aware-anything/ 4/
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