I hate the fact that it seems like we’ve forgotten about how Davis stole this from @smileitsjoy. https://twitter.com/blkwomxnperfect/status/1356677299291234306
When I talk to my students about academic integrity, I tell them that you need to make sure you cite your sources and are clear and honest about where you get your information and what/who informs your work.
By not naming Joy as a key contributor is a direct act of a lack of integrity. #citeBlackwomen
It’s so disappointing because #BlackintheIvory was supposed to highlight how Black folks’ often-lone status in the towers renders various micro- and macro-aggressions and then here she comes doing some of the same stuff to Joy.
Zora taught us all skinfolk aint kinfolk.
After pushing Joy out of the progress of the hashtag she has been making her career off of it. This isn’t right. https://twitter.com/asu_rise_center/status/1356314684752764928
I just don’t think it’s ethical to exploit grad student labor and then change how the hashtag came to the fore. https://twitter.com/newyorker/status/1355604587001114633
What good is it to critique white people for how they enact racism when you clearly haven’t learned how to not treat other Black folks the same way.
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