Why capitalism* is bad.
The story of a lost balloon.

An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. /1
Once upon a time a company called @anagramballoons decided to sell party balloons. The owners of the company wanted to make money from bringing a little joy into young people's lives. /2
The particular star-shaped balloon at the centre of this tale was decorated with the awesome @Marvel @Avengers to make it very attractive to young children and grow profits for this affiliated company too. /3
The production of the balloon is overseas and no one can see the pollution caused during manufacture and printing. The laminated metal foil and plastic are single-use and non-recyclable. /4
The helium gas used to fill the balloon is non-renewable and supply is limited. It is essential for medical scanners such as MRIs that help save lives and has many other uses in scientific research and industry. /5
Without really thinking of balloon production methods a parent buys the balloon for their child who is delighted with their shiny helium filled balloon. And taxes are paid so even the government makes a percentage cut and everyone is happy... /6
But... as the child walks along the street they let go of their shiny, helium filled balloon. It goes up into the air and is carried by the wind far away and out of sight. The parent scolds the child for wasting money and the child cries. Then it's forgotten. /7
The balloon however has not finished its journey. It is blown over hills and dales to rural Northumberland where it gets tangled in a fence. Sad, alone and ownerless. /8
Our balloon could take 400 years to degrade, it could harm the lambs who are due in the next few weeks or it could get washed out to sea where it could be eaten by a turtle who thought it looked just like a jellyfish. /9
Whatever happens to the balloon @anagramballoons, @Marvel, the parents and the government won't pay. /10
Eventually the child, or the child's child may suffer the consequences as the planet is overwhelmed by plastic pollution or an illness could go undiagnosed from a lack of helium for the MRI scanners. /11
The actual end for this particular balloon, which was found and put into the waste stream is probably an incinerator in the North East where it will be burned potentially releasing dioxins onto the atmosphere and causing asthma in a child who lives nearby. /12
All this for the immediate, and short-lived gratification of a single use party balloon that was fated to escape but at least made a profit for the businesses involved.
If the polluter doesn't pay, who does.
End 🎈
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