If the Koch brothers aren't currently being investigated for money laundering, it's my opinion that they should be.

I looked at just a few transfers of funds (as reported to FEC and IRS) between Koch entities and charted them below.

Scattered throughout Koch filings are payments made as grants or as vendors to other Koch entities. The 990 below for Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce shows payments to Center to Protect Patient Rights, Americans for Prosperity and others. Note receipts in excess of $236M.
The Center to Protect Patient's Rights, whose purpose was to lobby AGAINST affordable health care, was renamed to American Encore. In 2013, CPPR made a payment of $11,613,079 to Americans for Prosperity.

Some of the earlier (2011-2016) payments to Americans for Prosperity, and Americans for Prosperity Foundation can be pulled up here:

The payments to the Center for Patient's Rights from Americans for Responsible Leadership caught the attention of authorities, and resulted in money-laundering prosecution/fines.
The pattern of self-dealing and transferring of funds between entities, is something I'm finding to be pervasive with non-profits related to politics.

When large sums of money are transferred a couple times between entities to hide the donor, that's LAUNDERING.
The Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce 990 below shows multiple vendors that are Koch or Koch-aligned.

Koch apparently has their own data-mining, media and lobbying set-ups.

We truly need to rescind non-profit status from these pseudo educational/social welfare orgs.
Society certainly didn't benefit from the $11,357,537 Americans for Prosperity spent to help David Perdue (GA) get reelected. Especially since the effort failed. Note the $2,505,085 spent to defeat Osoff - also failed.
Note the series of payments made by the CEO of Blue Cross/Blue Shield to National Republican Senatorial Committee (Koch aligned) to lobby Against measures to reduce prescription and health care costs.

@Loveon999 @kelly2277 @MountainsStars
TC4 Trust was paid as a vendor, but is merely another Koch entity.
Free-Markets, Liberty and Freedom are the battle cries of conservatives, but the only beneficiaries of their financial endeavors, are other millionaires and industrialists. 💰

It's just sad that people of modest means that buy the line, don't realize that they will be left out.
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