Let do some Math. I know, some people don't like math, but just bare with me.

1. In the 24hrs from the opening of the #silver markets 350k contracts were bought and sold.

2. Silver contracts are for the purchase of 5k Troy ounces.

3. The total volume available in 2019 was...
... 190 million ounces. (A combination of recycled and new mined metals)

The problem here may not seem obvious, but that difference is huge. The suggestion that 350k shorts @ 5k ea. Comes out to...

1.75 Billion Ounces...

This means that the larger portion of contracts...
... are fiat paper, with no underlying commodity, otherwise known as naked short. They don't actually represent any product...

The #silversqueeze isn't about price. It's about content. The buyer who are part of r/WallStreetSilver have made this very clear. The goal is...
... to educate the World about the realities of a combination of; the Government's roll in allowing this practice, and at times working with hedge funds and big banks to hide, distort or blankly cover-up these crimes, and the Fed's decision in 2008 to pass these naked shorts...
... from one bank to another, if it effects price. Bear Stearns was holding something like 30 million shorts, that were passed to JPMorgan by the Fed in some backroom deal, under the Bernanke Regime.

5. Why do they do it?

They do it to KEEP the physical $silver...
You see, most traders close out these contracts in cash. Miners may use them to hedge against a collapse. At least this is the main arguement against legislation disallowing the practice.

What they're actually being used for is to keep the prices of metals supressed to hide...
... Inflation. If #Silver were to suddenly move back into its historic ratio to gold, it would be about 9:1, above ground. 13:1 in the ground, but this wouldnt be allowed. IT EXPOSES THE ILLUSION OF LOW INFLATION.

In this light there really isn't a limit to currency creation...
The real problem with this isn't that, the real issue is supressing the real value of silver. Who know what it's really valued at. We haven't had a free market since the Nixon Administration.

So here it is, the bottom line. While most people look at investments...
... they are more than likely thinking in terms of earnings. If I buy silver at A and sell at B, I'll make C. The goal here is to use that knee jerk reaction to allow them to fake shorts and supress the value. Ironically, that's the plan... to allow them to keep the price low...
... because, the lower the price the more we can buy. And, the more naked shorts they throw at it, the more they'll have to cover when this months contracts get settled. In ONE DAY we pushed almost 2 billion ounces into our stacks. They think that smashing the price will send...
... us home crying about losses, but the price was never the goal. It's an easy thing to overlook, but that's what it isn't. This is about restoring the wealth of the people. We don't want profits, we want silver.

Day traders and those running the system dont get that yet...
... which plays to our advantage. The typical response by regulators (COMEX, London) is to raise margins. This was done midday yesterday, which took millions, if not billions, out of play. Soon the day traders were mocking the "ignorance" of these stupid #WSB kids, who dont...
... understand how this game is played. The idea that anyone will to take delivery, pay margins and hold their positions while the price is dropping, seems a bit short sighted (pun intended), considering that's exactly what they do, but they want you to hope... Hope the price...
... goes up... Hope you make a few bucks settling in cash, while they stuff their vaults with metals.

The fact is, that if they want to go to war over this month's contract, it may cost them the entire market. Physical silver will have to come from somewhere to settle shorts...
So we keep stacking! Cheaper the better. Unfortunately the massive disconect between physical and paper has to be looked at by regulators. Everything COMEX does should be documented and scrutinized, but that's probably not going to happen. Ironically, that's the plan.

This will take time. If it fails the first month we'll continue the next anon until we win. The goal is to expose the manipulation and the Government's role, to own the world supply of silver, and to show people that they are more powerful than any lie!! AGAIN!!!
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