1) Here goes a fun screenwriting thread - if anyone wants to know what it's like to be in the chase for HUGE life rights, I ALSO tried to acquire rights to the GameStop story (and FAILED). It felt like I was on my own insanely wild $GME day trade. #screenwriting #pipelinewriters
2) a little background, I’m a former Wall Street lawyer, follow the markets carefully so I was ahead of this story, the only reason I even considered chasing it was my headstart. I had loosely been considering rise of Robinhood traders for years now with no angle figured out
3) So two weeks ago before it hit the news it became a minor financial blip. I immediately saw where it was going, not some savant, but b/c A) I did a deep Reddit dive and b) I was there in 2008 on ground zero when subprime blew up. I felt it in my bones this was going to explode
4) so I did some digging found the founder of r/wallstreetbets and emailed him. Basic - "hey love this thing you’ve built, so interesting would you be open to a chat." He already had done press in last year and put out a book so I knew he was interested in increasing his profile
5) he responded quickly so we set up a call. Spoke at length about his life, this Reddit, what was going on with GameStop. Told him I thought there was “something here” not sure what yet. Would you be open to talking more? He said yes.
6) Meanwhile, GameStop situation explodes overnight so the next day I rope in my agent.The four of us have a great call: my agent and his brother/partner discussing ways we could collaborate.I sold him on idea that I was perfect writer for this. He asks if we can send contract.
7) I was starting to get amped. At this point thinking wow, maybe nobody else is on this yet. It had exploded in financial world, but not yet into mainstream culture. Thinking maybe, just maybe if I can close now, and it somehow blows up, I've lucked into story of a lifetime.
8) So I have my lawyer draft an attachment agreement that night, keep it super simple 1 pager so as not to slow us down. My agent and I start talking about if we lock this up, we can go to some big producers and set this up. Trying not to get too excited, but it's hard not to.
9) The next day the story doesn’t just metastasize...it’s a nuclear bomb! Everyone is talking about it. Everyone on the entire planet. I'm pretty sure someone in Antartica just said "stonks". At this point, I know I’m in deep sh*t bc I’ve seen how these play out in Hollywood.
10) Most recently, The McDonald game story, the mother who went after her daughter's killer in Mexico. They go quickly in massive bidding wars, 6 figure life rights, and it's always heavyweights. I know where I stand currently in this town status wise, I'm not blacked out.
11) Two things that kept me in game though. A) My agent reps a major podcast company and they now wanted in and figured they could use my connection in, since I was already close to finish line and B) we now knew there were multiple real life people involved (Roaring Kitty, etc)
12) Which meant in some ways my reddit guy wasn't the only person being chased and therefore made it more likely he might want to sign now as the clock was ticking. (Sidenote - he's currently in Mexico City, which is going to come into play soon.)
13) So I said to my contact, the other parties are gonna move on this, with or without you, as plenty in Hollywood don’t feel you need life rights to make deals. Here’s where I try to figure out what advantage I could possibly have against huge A list producer with a blank check
14) I laid myself bare. I said "I need you. I'm only one that can say that. I can’t do this without you.The others can." I'm not some huge producer w a million projects. I would make you a valued partner which is 100 percent true. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a straight shooter.
15)I also said I’m way more fun to work w. Also 100 percent true. They said "give us a day." I’m in agony now. Podcast CEO calling me for updates.Then my contact pushes our next call. Is it Game over? Headline "Retail (newbie screenwriter) loses to Hedge Fund (A list producers)"
16) So I throw a hailmary and call the guy. He gives me literally 2 min. He says "Ben Mezrich is on other line in addition to many other offers that have come in. I manage to get the podcast idea in his ear as I do think that would be a great play. He basically hangs up
17) I don't give up yet because they are still being responsive. Like when you see it's not a full flat line, a blip, I might get out of this coma! We email back and forth. I forward an email from podcast team about how excited they are.Then my contact goes dark! Full on Ghosted
18) At his point, most sane people call it a day.But this is where "Crazy Matt" kicks in.(my high school nickname).Talking to my agent on Friday night.We hear someone is going to announce deal Monday so he hits me w the mother of all moonshot ideas: Fly to Mexico. Hmmm
19) Talk it over w my wife. She says "Do it. U have nothing to lose" Flights from LAX are 100 bucks. So I book flight for NEXT MORNING! Then I send email "I’m in Mexico City to see you. If someone wants to make a deal that’s gonna change your life they should do it in person."
20) Maybe that sounds a bit stalkerish, or a lot stalkerish- but I'm pot committed just like the Redditors. So I pack my bags and set my alarm for 4 am. I'm really doing this. I quit my fancy law job to be broke but do fun Hollywood stuff like this! This is my $GME gamble.🚀🚀
21)As I’m in Uber to airport at 6 AM,I get email "wow, so flattering, I'd love to meet you BUT it’s my wife’s bday and we just got on a plane! Be back Tuesday. How long u in town for? (as if I have any other reason to be in Mexico City now)F*CK. My Robinhood-halted-trading moment
22) So either a)he's lying and trying to avoid a stalker (possible)or b)its just bad timing. I choose to believe latter. So obviously I say "I’m there all week.Catch you when you get back." Make plans to get drinks in Mexico City.I rebook a flight for Tuesday b/c I have 💎👊!!
23) My agent and I strategize some more, we now have the podcast team really pushing hard too. My Reddit contact emails back that he respect my efforts and style and agrees to give me one more shot to sell them on phone. Call set for 1 pm. Holy shit, did that moonshot work?
24) Mind you, its Saturday, we know come Monday, at least one major player is announcing on Deadline. Then things take a wrong turn. Call gets pushed to 5 b/c he doesn’t “have all the info he needs” which I take to mean he’s got an offer he’s about to sign or getting an offer.
25)Either way I’m f*cked. I plead w him to give me one last shot to at least hear me out before making a decision. I don't hear back for hours. Radio silence. Darkness.I hear Paul Simon "hello darkness, my old friend" on repeat in my head. Damn it.Crashing just like $GME stock
26) I spent Sunday repainting our entire house to keep myself from feeling until I finally see Deadline article about Mezrich and co. Not surprised. See package (DeLuca, Aaron Ryder, the Winkelvii) I say if you’re gonna get beat get beat by the champ, right?! Then see Netflix.
27)Then another article. Now it's absurd. I see $gme party is over too :( Would I do it again? Hell yes. Like the Redditors, I'm not sure I expected to win.Just held out hope. It was a fun ride.Can't wait see Mezrich version at AMC.Started work on my OWA today so its all good!
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