In fact meat is not ideal for the human body. The human body is intended to function on plant-based foods that are full of fiber, antioxidants, unsaturated fat, essential fatty acids, phytochemicals, and cholesterol-free protein. Our digestive system doesn’t like meat...
..carnivores have short intestinal tracts that allow meat to pass quickly through their digestive system. Humans’ intestinal tracts are much longer, like those of plant-eaters. This gives the body more time to break down fiber and absorb the nutrients from plant-based food...
Meat may cause food poisoning in Humans. True carnivores gulp down chunks of raw flesh, relying on their strong stomach acids to break it down and kill the dangerous bacteria in meat that would otherwise sicken or kill them...
Humans have much weaker stomach acids that are similar to those found in animals who digest pre-chewed fruits and vegetables. Without carnivorous stomach acids to kill the bacteria in meat, dining on animal flesh can give us food poisoning...
Cancer occur naturally in red meat, all red meat contains a red pigment called haems, which, once in the gut, can be broken down to form N-nitroso compounds, or NOCs, many of which are known to cause cancer. Additionally, haems may irritate or damage the cells lining the bowel..
..which can lead to them dividing more rapidly exactly the kind of action that is more likely to increase the risk of developing cancer. It's not about low-quality or low-grade meat in this instance, it's about the meat itself...
..and what's been added we know too much salt has been linked to an increased risk in stomach cancer for example. Eating too much protein may also increase your risk of developing heart disease and may worsen kidney function... people with kidney disease because the body can have trouble eliminating all the waste products of protein metabolism. God in all His wisdom has made life worth living for human beings, life without pain and sicknesses...
When death comes, for sure it would come, it would be through sleep; and this, in old age only. Genesis 1:29 I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food...
The Genesis 1, 29 Diet is one that God gave to mankind for nourishment, to live by, grow and stay healthy. This diet, when prepared, served and eaten the right way, only guarantees life, without diseases, sicknesses and pain...
The things that we eat and drink should make us live well cause us to grow and live healthy all the days of our lives..🍃
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