every couple months I see a post on here that’s like “lost my teens to depression/strict parents and lost my twenties to pandemic” and as a recently transitioned trans person I really feel that, amped up by like 300%
I lost the first 23 years of my life to deeply agonizing, painful dysphoria and pressure to live a life that wasn’t mine, and was on track to finally begin my life April 2020 (6 months post op), but as you can imagine, that didn’t happen
“Living life” meaning, basic experiences I missed out on that involve, well, comfortably existing in your body. Sports, swimming, camping, sleep-over hangouts, being in public in any capacity tbh
I don’t regret my transition timeline tho, I’ve gained so much for it an my life is IMMEASURABLY better now after transition. I don’t think I could’ve survived this pandemic without my top surgery the year prior.
And I remember prior to surgery my therapist asked “what does it feel like, physically, when you’re relaxed?” And my answer was “I don’t know that I’ve ever felt relaxed.” But now I can at least answer that! I’m missing out on euphoria, but my pain is so significantly eased
And I will say despite all this I’ve been incredibly fortunate during this pandemic. Able to WFH, financial stability, family mostly healthy, and have experienced immense career growth *because* of WFH. I’ve waited 23+ years and I’m fortunate I can keep waiting to live life.
You can follow @LakeFama.
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