The following four slides provide a small sample of the astronomically disastrous effects worldwide due to Covid hysteria and the consequent draconian and ineffective interventions, including lockdowns, masks, social distancing and many others.
As I discussed in early March (and early on pinned the tweet below), we were overwhelmed with hysteria, and had set ourselves on a path of self-destruction.
Hysteria and mass delusion are the ultimate underlying cause of the great totalitarian man-made disasters, more so than even the dictators themselves.
And fear is the most likely source of hysteria, tapping into unique instinctual reactions we have to it.
Worst of all is a particular variety of fear, one that not only can produce hysteria, but rips society apart more firmly than any other fear:

Fear of infection

Inside any pandemic — or the *perception* of a pandemic — are the seeds of totalitarianism.
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