While many people are focused on DC, Arizona is facing a full-blown attack on democracy.

30+ bills attacking voting rights & democratic norms - including one that would take away voters' right to decide presidential elections (!)

A thread -->
AZ GOP legislators have introduced bills that would:
-Give legislature power to decide presidential elections ( #HB2720)
-Eliminate vote by mail ( #HB2370)
-Purge 100,000 voters from vote by mail list ( #SB1069)
-Criminalize protesters ( #HB2309)

...among others.
These voter suppression bills comes after months in which the @AZGOP spread lies about the 2020 election - at one point encouraging their followers to "die for Trump."

The Arizona Republican Party is rejecting democracy - full stop.
Organizers in Arizona have stopped bills like these before (although never this many all at once!) We CAN beat them but it is going to take a huge mobilization.

@ChispaAZ @LUCHA_AZ @AZadvocacy @VotingIsLocal @FuerteAZ @CORAZONArizona @MiFamiliaVota @CAIRAZ @OVOV_AZ @lwvaz
What can you do?

Call your legislators! Call 877-406-6303 - you'll get instructions, then be connected to the switchboard - ask them to look up your state senator & connect you! Tell them to vote NO on voter suppression bills like SB1069.

Tell your friends to call, too!
Once you've called....

Sign up for the Request to Speak system to weigh in on legislation!

@AZCEBVus can help you. Use this link! https://www.cebv.us/rts.html 

And spread the word!

#votersuppression #azleg
You can follow @Progress_AZ.
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